Why choose this course?
We are proud to make stronger the international reputation of the University of Siena. In our University we have a high regard for/we take into seriuos consideration teaching and research in the worldwide scientific community. For this reason we want to make more attractive our portfolio with the new undergraduate course in Dentistry in english language. It is our expectation that italian students will continue to come to Siena to study Dentistry, but also to establish a new international community of foreign students arriving to Siena from different parts of the world, not only from Europe.
Aims of the new program: The undergraduate course in Dentistry is the first implemented in Italy in english language, in agreement with ADEE (Association of Dental European Education), the European institution that gathers all the most well-known/renowned Schools of Dentistry.
The main goal of the new course is to graduate excellent dentists, by complementing the learning of well established concepts of the traditional study course with the achievement of all the knowledge and skills requested by the highest international standards, making good use of the newly available technologies and of the digital devices, that render us advanced in basic and clinical research, as well as in professional training. The foreign students will have the chance to integrate with italian colleagues and into the local community of Siena, being exposed to an international and intercultural experience/formative experience/educational experience.
Distinctive characteristics of the future graduates will be the respect for the dignity of thehuman beings and the conscientious care for the patients’ needs.
Our graduated Dentists will have the opportunity to find jobs not only in Italy, but also in other European countries, as well as in the world developing countries.
A recent survey by the Italian Association of Dentists showed that
91,5% of dentists are stably employed within three years of graduation, , as in other European countries.
Why in English: It is well known that English is the international scientific language. The ability to communicate in English and the exposure to new technologies will allow the students to stay at the forefront of knowledge in the dental field.
Teaching and resaerch activites in English are already a well established reality in our University, particularly in the Faculty of Medical Biotechnologies. In fact, we already offer in English the International Degree in Biotechnologies, the PhD Program in Medical Biothechnologies, and some International Masters in different areas of Dentistry.
It is worth reiterating that the admission exam will be in English and that all the classes will be given in English.