how to graduate

Graduation Session - 11 November 2024 - Commission

The degree exam focuses on the discussion of a thesis/ dissertation prepared by the candidate. To be admitted to the Degree Examination, the Student must: • have followed all the Courses and have passed the relevant exams; • have obtained all the credits related to the 6-year course cycles, excluding the ECTS for the thesis (350 ECTS); The following parameters contribute to the determination of the degree mark, expressed in one hundred and ten percent: • the average of the marks obtained in the curricular examinations, weighted on the weight in CFU of the various courses. • the points assigned by the Degree Commission when the thesis is being discussed. Any laude must be given with the unanimous opinion of the Commission. With respect to the weighted average based on the marks obtained in the curricular examinations, it is considered appropriate to set a maximum limit of 8 points (eight) for the experimental theses and 5 points (five) for the compilation theses. These limits may be waived if the thesis presents aspects of original research.


The University of Siena is not the seat identified by the Ministry for the execution of the state examination and each candidate can apply in any of the locations listed in the ministerial order.

We indicate the seat of Florence as the closest place to our University