University complaints and suggestions (for enrolled students only)
From a.y. 2022/23 all students enrolled at the University of Siena can forward suggestions, reports, complaints or appreciations through an online form that favors listening.
Users can exercise their right to be listened to and in this case the collection of such manifestations is considered an important action by the University because:
- allows you to improve the service;
- prepares remedies and corrective or preventive actions;
- it becomes a way to improve and more generally monitor the quality of the services provided;
- gives value to appreciations.
A complaint is any complaint addressed to the University and justified by the failure or bad provision of a service or provision by a structure of the University of Siena;
by suggestion we mean any proposal addressed to the University aimed at promoting actions for the improvement of the standards of effectiveness, efficiency, cost-effectiveness and quality;
reporting means any communication expressed to the University to detect a disservice, an irregular or unsuccessful fact or activity;
appreciation means any demonstration of appreciation in relation to a service provided, a fact and/or a positive experience.
The answers will be given or will be guaranteed within the terms established by law.
FORM: online form